This is indeed a complete guide for managers and executives to improve their capability in People Management. Many publications today nicely articulate the 'what' on the subject matter, leaving readers guessing on 'how' to connect the path from knowledge to the actual skills required for effective execution. This book resolves this shortcoming by incorporating algorithmic models teaching you the actual skills that can be used with great success with different employee profiles. Examples of statements to be made and questions to be asked to the employees have been well defined in this book. This provides a big helping-hand to managers and executives when utilizing the suggested models.
One reason why highly educated men fail to build successful careers in management is that they do not learn from their formal education what they need to know to perform their jobs effectively. In fact, the tasks that are the most important in getting results usually are left to be learned on the job, where few managers ever master them simply because no one teaches them how."
- J. Sterling Livingston
Harvard Business Review 1971: Myth of the Well -Educated Manager

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A self-learning computer-based program, which if implemented as per the suggested guidelines can make a huge difference in your social, personal and professional life. True to its title, Listening - The Missing Link in Communication, provides great food for thought on how ineffectively we listen in our everyday lives, as we fall prey to many bad habits that go totally unrealized, resulting in many misunderstandings and misinterpretations of what we hear. An investment of your two hours on this interactive audio program could be well worth your time and much more. Remember - a good listener is a great communicator!

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand;
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